CARBURA Tanklager AG (TLG)

Carbura Tanklager AG (TLG) was established in 1999 and operates two large tank farms throughout Switzerland. TLG task is joint compulsory stockpiling of liquid fuels and combustibles. TLG in this function stores the difference between the amounts stored under the overall obligation prescribed by the Federation and those held by CARBURA members based on their individual obligations. It also holds heating oil as additional compulsory stockpiles for the gas industry. TLG thus fulfils an important role in compulsory stockpiling and national economic supply.

TLG also hires out tank space as well as stockpiling its own supplies. TLG is a 100% subsidiary of CARBURA.

The address of the head office is:
Carbura Tanklager AG (TLG)
Tanklager 1
8566 Dotnacht
Tel.: +41 52 366 14 70
Fax : +41 52 366 14 71

Nathalie Sager Director (e-mail)
Adriana Bonafiglia (e-mail)