The purpose and tasks of CARBURA
CARBURA was established in 1932 as a self-help organisation of importers of liquid fuels and combustibles for compulsory stockpiling. It is a private association, the articles of association of which are approved by the Federation and overall supervision is carried out by the Federal Office for National Economic Supply (FONES).
Members of CARBURA are all importers of more than 3,000 m³ of petroleum products per year as well as common or substitute stockholders that concluded a compulsory stockpiling contract with the federal eadministration.
CARBURA’s primary tasks are as follows:
- Carrying out compulsory stockpiling for oil products
- Issuing import permits
- Levying guarantee fund contributions and managing the guarantee funds
- Paying compensation to stockholders for the costs of compulsory stockpiling
- Controlling compulsory stockpiling
- Collaborating in matters of national economic supply
The CARBURA branch office employs 18 staff members.