Principles of compulsory stockpiling
Overall obligation and compulsory stockpiling programme
The quantities compulsorily stockpiled per product category are established by the Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research (EAER) after consulting with the oil industry.
The Board of Directors allocates the overall obligation under the compulsory stockpiling programme for the individual products subject to compulsory stockpiling within the product categories according to EAER ordinance.
Individual obligations and compulsory stockpiling
Compulsory stockpiles must in principle be maintained by importers, i.e. companies active on the market.
The CARBURA Board of Directors issues compulsory stockpiling programmes based on conditions established by the EAER and which stipulate the obligations of individual members. The quantities to be compulsorily stockpiled by individual members are based on their import quota over the last three calendar years. This calculation is reviewed annually.
Substitute and common compulsory stockpiling
In a departure from the principle that compulsory stockpiling should be carried out by the importing companies, substitute and common compulsory stockpiling is also allowed, however, only in a subsidiary context.
- Substitute compulsory stockpiling: a substitute compulsory stockpiling agreement may involve a stockholder transferring its stockpiling obligation to a suitable third party.
- Common compulsory stockpiling: third parties may also be companies, which mainly carry out compulsory stockpiling for a specific branch of industry. Common compulsory stockpiling so far has been carried out only by the CARBURA Tanklager AG (TLG).